How We Got Started

About Our Foundation

Most of my patients want to know what led me to start doing Designed Clinical Nutrition through
Nutrition Response Testing®. To be honest, initially I did not want to. My wife has many of the clinical signs of Lupus, which is an autoimmune disease. It first started with her typical seasonal allergies while in college. After our third child, she developed an erythematic butterfly rash on her face and dermatographia. Her allergies became almost life-controlling. We did the traditional medical approach of cortisone creams, long term tetracycline, and allergy shots. All provided short term benefits. Then her food sensitivities started. At first, it was just garlic and MSG’s that would cause instant migraines. Then she developed intolerance to gluten and a drop in her immunity. If she got an upper respiratory infection, it would turn into bronchitis for months.

On her quest to regain her health back, she had researched Nutrition Response Testing®. She wanted me to do some training in it, but I told her I was not interested. I do most of the cooking and to say the least, it was challenging to cook meals to meet her restrictions. While the kids were there, I would just cook two different meals. After they grew up, I just ate what she ate. Several years ago, she started having sensitivity to corn, dairy, eggs, and chocolates. At that time I said enough was enough and agreed to go to an introductory course with Dr. Charley Ward in Johnston City, TN. He tested everyone in the class. He determined I had a chlorine chemical challenge. It is not uncommon for me to take 2-3 showers a day working on the farm and here at the office. I was not convinced. I told my wife I should have tested for Mercury since I played with it weekends on end in my dads test lab as a child. Guess what. My wife tested for a lot of food sensitivities. Some food sensitivities we knew of already and some were extra’s. She also had immune challenges of the spleen which they said was causing her “Lupus like” symptoms. This made no sense to me. This was totally out of the box related to how I was trained. But what choice did we have? We followed the directions and took the supplements as directed. We enrolled in the Ulan Nutrition Response Testing® Program in Clearwater, Florida. Still not sold that this was going to help, I told them the only reason I was there was to see if this would help my wife. Our first health check at Ulan’s showed my chlorine had been cleared but I had a real problem with, guess what, “MERCURY”. Dr. Lori confirmed Dr. Ward’s finding on my wife, and she added a few more supplements for her to take. We started flying to Florida for 3-4 days, once a month and learned the basic techniques. I decided to run my own study. I started testing patients in my office at no charge and continued to do so over the next 7 months, because I was still not convinced that this worked. As the year progressed, not only did I see awesome clinical improvements (that on some cases were supported by laboratory confirmation). Our patients were also reporting significant improvement with their health challenges. Some of them have written testimonials that you can read at my office if you should decide to do the program.

Learn More About Our Health Programs

Food Sensitivity Cookeville Allergies

Start Your Journey to a Healthier You Today!

For the first time in twenty years, my wife’s health has started to improve. Her sensitivities to foods are improving, as well as her allergies. Her skin condition has also improved (as long as she stays away from chocolates), and she did not have bronchitis for the first time in three years.

As for my health, on my last health check, I tested negative for any mercury. I have lost 30 pounds that I had gained while on Statin for 7 years. During that time, I was unable to do any meaningful exercises due to muscle and joint pain (being on this medication would cause). I was in excellent physical condition prior to going on statins. No matter which statin they tried, they all eventually had the same negative side effect. I finally made the decision to quit taking them. Despite being off the statins, I was not able to lose the weight. Over the last year of taking whole food supplements, the weight has come off effortlessly. I was no longer hungry nor did I crave junk food. My blood pressure has dropped. I am only taking 1/2 a pill a day instead of three to manage it. An added benefit is my sleep has also greatly improved. Before beginning my program, I would wake up at 2 a.m. Now, I can sleep 8-9 hours without a problem and don’t wake me up at 4:30 unless it is VERY IMPORTANT.

I hope you will keep an open mind. Believe me, I was the biggest skeptic. How many of you would work a half of a year without pay and invest money in tuition, airline tickets, hotel bills, and loss of income from being out of practice before you would put your name and reputation on something. I did! 

So if after the evaluation it appears that you are a Nutrition Response Testing® case, you are serious about getting your health back, and you are willing to do two things:

1) Follow the program as close as possible

2) Stay with the program long enough to get results

Then I believe there is nothing else out there that will be able to help you as much.

I look forward to working with you.