Chiropractor Cookeville

Cookeville Chiropractor Overview

First of all thank you for your interest in chiropractic health care.  Let me tell you a little about myself and our practice.  I have been a Cookeville Chiropractor since 1983.  I have been in joint practiced with my wife here in Cookeville since 1984. We were one of the first practices to combine Chiropractic and Physical Therapy in the state of Tennessee.  In 1990 we had the only heated rehab pool between Nashville and Knoxville and to my knowledge, in 1990 we were the only facility that offered resistive current in our 15’ x 30’ rehabilitation pool.  We now have increased our health care services to include not only Chiropractic and Physical Therapy services, but Designed Clinical Nutrition through Nutrition Response Testing as well.  You will notice the name Natural Restoration Health Center a lot being associated with our clinic. The name says it all. This has been a very beneficial adjunct that providing our patients with natural options to their health challenges. As you will see by the testimonials on our web site and on our reviews, many of our patients have been able to take control of their downward spiraling health decline by natural means.


Chiropractor Cookeville TN


So what led me into being a chiropractor.  It was in the family.  My grandfather (mother’s dad) was a dairy farmer who was also a chiropractor. Although I never new that.  While in the pre-med curriculum my dad flipped a tractor over on him.  Thankfully it did not kill him but seriously injured his lower back disc. The surgeons recommended surgery.  He had many friends that had had back surgery and were no better or even worse. He chose the chiropractic route. It took a while (almost a year) but he was able to avoid going under the knife and had complete neurological recovery.  He wanted me to look into chiropractic. In my third year I had contacted several medical doctor offices to see if I could meet with them and ask some questions.  The main ones were whether they were happy in their career choice and what was the learned pros and cons of being in the specialty they had chosen.  No one returned my call.  So they were either too busy or not happy. So while home on break, I stopped by several chiropractic offices in our area. No matter how busy they were.  They made time and took a few minutes to talk to me.  That really impressed me.

I was accepted at several schools but chose National College of Chiropractic based on the recommendations of my father’s chiropractor who was a Palmer graduate.  It was only then that local farmers and friends of the family started talking about how old Grady (my grandfather) had helped them through chiropractic. I suspect that Grandpa did not want to draw attention to himself for one reason or another. Back in his days, chiropractors were being sued and thrown in jail, by the A.M.A. and other state medical groups, for practicing chiropractic.  Much has happened since then.  More and more medical schools are teaching the benefits of alternative medicine.  We have a good working relationship with the local medical community.  We receive referrals from local medical groups as well as the local hospital workmen’s comp panel.

Bulging Disc | Degenerative Disc Spine Cookeville


I primarily use a technique called Diversified Technique. That was the technique that was taught as the “Standard in all approved chiropractic colleges” when I was in school. I use a specific low force and low amplitude adjustment technique. That means I try to only move the levels that need to be moved with as little force as possible. This minimizes discomfort during the adjustment and soreness after the adjustment.  There are those that desire a very rough dynamic adjustment.  Unfortunately too often I get patients that have had unintended consequences of those types of adjustments.  I also use drop tables and impulse adjusting tools.  The impulse adjusting tool is excellent for infants and elderly with brittle bones.

We also were one of the first in this area to have intermittent mechanical decompression tables. This table has been very effective in providing relief to patients with bulging disc, degenerative disc and degenerative spinal conditions.  We presently have three tables and offer one of the lowest time of service prices for a treatment in the area.


So what should you expect during your first visit to see our Cookeville chiropractor?  We have a very friendly staff who are here to guide you through the initial paper work.   A detailed health history as well as regional examination will be done. We look at the body as a whole.  This could be a simple alignment issue or your pain could be a sign of something else going on.  For example, heart problems can send pain to the base of the neck, mid back, left or right shoulder and/or arm.  Stomach problems can send pain to the mid back, Gallbladder can send pain to the mid back, right shoulder, neck or right lower rib cage. Lower GI and pelvic organs refer to the lower back and sacral region. This referred pain can cause the muscle to tighten up and pull the spine out of alignment. Cancers too often first metastasize to the spine. Without knowing what the cause of the problem is you are treating symptoms and not fixing the problem. Rest assured it will keep coming back and you will have to keep going back. You may also be wasting valuable time that could save your life.


We do not find it necessary in most cases.  If after the history and examination I have concerns or can not clearly see what is going on. Then I will send you to a facility of your choice for imaging.

Enclosing we provide a lot of services to meet your health needs. It is my hope that after reading this your questions have been answered.  But if not please feel free to call and talk to our staff. If they do not know the answer to your question they will certainly do their best to find out.

Experienced Chiropractor Cookeville

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