New Outlook With Medical Documentation

New Outlook With Medical Documentation

I have known Dr. Ken personally and professionally for years.  Approximately 14 years ago I was diagnosed with gout.  Despite strict diet, taking gout medication and anti inflammatory medication I had frequent attacks.  The medication lead me into kidney failure. ...
Breathing Clear On Nutrition Program

Breathing Clear On Nutrition Program

Our family has been on the nutrition program with Dr. Ken. The reason we started it at this time was my 8 year old son struggled with asthma. He loves to play soccer. Every game I would have to run out on to the field and give him 2-3 Albuterol puffs and coach him how...
Nutritional Hope

Nutritional Hope

I began feeling guilty about the way I treated my body. I was on two different insulin injections twice a day along with other medicines. I was eating way too many carbs and drinking too many diet cokes. I had to have B12 shots once a week just to function, and could...